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Do we pay when we check out or before?
In most instances the Hotel or venue will require payment on departure, however depending on your company travel policy and the terms of contract with the venue, there are other alternatives -
Pre- payment
Larger residential groups - the venue contract may require a deposit in advance and may then set up credit terms with the company to invoice all charges on departure. It is essential the client reads the contract terms and conditions very carefully before signing, as in some cases there will be heavy penalties if there are cancellations and reduction in numbers prior to arrival.
Bill Back
Many Conference Agencies offer a Settlement Plan/Billback for their clients, where the invoice on departure is sent to the Agency or a credit house that will settle the invoice on the company's behalf and then consolidate all charges on one invoice. This option is very popular with companies as it allows them to manage their expense policy, saving time and reducing costs.
In the majority of cases, the company will accept responsibility and pay for day delegate or 24 hour rate charges but request individual delegates to pay on departure for sundries, such as newspapers, laundry, drinks etc.
Some venues who have a regular working relationship with a company will invoice the company at the end of the conference but this arrangement has to be set up in advance and relevant credit checks undertaken.
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Venue Finder
Hi, I'm Lisa, I am an expert venue finder and I am here to help you find the right venue.
Please call me on +44(0)845 351 9917 or alternatively simply leave your details below and I will contact you asap.